What is Persistence ?
There are three main ingredients for success: Persistence, Passion, and Hard work.
Let me narrate you a story of a man as an example of Persistence and who went through a journey, called “life” like a marathon.
Few credentials from his resume:
- At age of 21, he saw his first business fail.
- When he was 23, he ran for a political office and lost.
- At age of 24, he saw his second business fail
- 29, he again contested for elections and lost
- At 31, he again contested for elections and lost again
- At 37, he contested for elections and finally won.
Looking at these credentials, will anyone from the corporate world hire such a candidate?
My answer is the same as yours i.e. in negative.
The above credentials not only shows persistence but reveals a great deal of patience.
In the end, it paid off – for he was none other than Abraham Lincoln who at the age of 51 became the sixteenth President of the United States of America.
Persistence is the key to success.
I had written an article on resilience, read it here.
Believe in your dreams like you are running a marathon and not a sprint or 100m race.
Remember in the school of success, failures are the only lessons.
Believe in your dreams, develop your goals, and break each goal into actionable and measurable mini-milestones and then each milestone into the steps that would lead you to the accomplishment of your dream.
“If your mind can conceive something and your heart can believe it, your body can achieve it”.
I would like you all to see a video clip from the movie Pursuit of Happiness which summarizes my article and its message in its entirety. Watch the video, its very inspiring. You have my word for it.